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Q & A


red heart

 What does Simcha Layeled do? Why was it established and aren’t there so many other associations addressing the needs of sick children in Israel?

Simcha Layeled supports sick children and their families across Israel with a range of recreational, emotional and social programs that ease the difficulties they face together and separately. Simcha Leyeled was established after conducting an in-depth study, which included numerous conversations with families of sick children and medical teams, that there exists an extensive range of children with chronic diseases who are not treated by any association. Recognizing this lack of services, and in response to a dire need, Simcha LaYeled was created.

Simcha LaYeled’s goal is to support chronically sick children or children struggling with intensive rehabilitation, and their families. The organization offers a comprehensive supportive framework that facilitates these children’s positive integration into their communities and Israeli society.

bue heart Who does Simcha Layeled help? Who is their target population? 

- Children with chronic or genetic diseases;
- Children with functioning and adjustment difficulties due to rare syndromes;
- Children with physical disabilities;
- Children undergoing intensive rehabilitation due to traffic accidents or terrorist attacks.

It is important to note that children participating in Simcha LaYeled programs are not cognitively impaired, enabling significant social and emotional support within the association's activities.



 What types of activities does Simcha LaYeled offer?

Our programs include:
A Big Brother/ Big Sister Mentoring Program
Entertainment and staff at Hospital play rooms and waiting rooms
Night watch and shift attendance for families for hospitalized children to ensure children are never alone, even throughout the night, on holiday/ Sabbath weekends, or to enable parents to work
Supportive/ therapeutic work with target children and their families
Recreational outings and excursions in Israel and abroad
Family case management, liaison work with welfare authorities, health systems and other relevant institutions


red heart you accept volunteers?

We are grateful and proud of our extensive volunteer network, which comprises an integral part of our organization’s identity. Many of our volunteer options are designed for teenagers and young adults, including students, but we are open to working with you to find a suitable volunteer match.

Currently, the following activities are open to accepting volunteers: 

Big Brother/ Big Sister Mentoring Program
Hospital activities (manning play rooms, operating entertainment hours in hospital wards)
Tending to children during hospitalization stays at hospitals (working with parents’ hours to ensure children are not alone) 
Running Shabbat programs on weekends at hospitals (Kabbalat Shabbat, songs, prayers) 

To sign up or learn more about our volunteer options, click here

bue heart When was Simcha LaYeled established? 

In 2004.



 Who founded Simcha LaYeled?

Simcha LaYeled was founded by Mr. Hilel Viener from the USA and Mr. Ilan Grobman from Nachlaot, Jerusalem. We are also grateful to the leadership of our board members and support of our partners are listed here.

pink heart Where does Simcha LaYeled operate?

 The association has two branches in which most of its activities take place: A Jerusalem branch which includes communities in Gush Etzion, Benjamin and the Modiin area; and a central branch, located in Petach Tikva near Sneider Children’s Hospital. The organization’s outreach however extends through Netanya in the North until Ashkelon in the South. Plans are currently underway to open a northern branch in Haifa.


red heart How can I get involved and help?

You can help support our activities through any of the following:
- Joining our circle of volunteers;
- Offering financial support here
- Donating equipment or partnering your business with our organization.


bue heart How can I donate to Simcha LaYeled?

Simcha LaYeled welcomes your support. Financial donations can be made through our online form here. Please note, we accept recurring donations and non-recurring donations through our online form, by sending a check to our office, or by bank deposit or transfer.


item5 Where can I learn more about Simcha LaYeled’s fiscal responsibility and legal compliances?

Simcha LaYeled fully complies with the strict requirements of Israel’s Registrar of Associations which oversees the activities of local nonprofit organizations.
Simcha LaYeled is proud to continuously meet the following required credentials:
- Proper management;
- Section 46 regarding donations;
- Tax deduction at source (withholding tax);
- Bookkeeping and accounting.


pink heart The association has an internal auditor and an accountant office that monitor our annual operations.

These details and more about our transparency for donors and supporters can be viewed on our website.

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